In the midst of various conflicts, controversies and threats in the present times, very few people are supporting the various developments and various programs of our government.

No matter what the government does for the people, how come there is a good feeling about the government among the people when there are some people roaming around the country in the name of intellectuals.

In what way is it fair to blame the state for knowing only the condition of our country like well frogs? If our people think a little about the state of the world, they will be ashamed to criticize the state.

According to media reports, populous countries such as Australia, India, Thailand, Pakistan and Canada, now known as the world's nations, are facing severe economic downturn.


After 30 years, the people of his country are facing a massive economic crisis and the country is facing severe inflation.


The people of that country may be under great pressure as commodity prices rise at rocket speeds. According to the country's media department, the situation in the country is starting to calm down due to the slight decline in Govt.


The wholesale price of living in India is said to be skyrocketing after three decades and ordinary people from the upper class to the upper class are finding it very difficult to cope with the cost of living.


The economic crisis in the country is said to have been caused by a sudden increase in meat and food items.


Inflation in the country has risen to 12.3 percent over the past 12 months, bringing the demand for the country to $ 51.6 billion from 2021-2023 and the domestic dollar demand from US $ 23.6 billion in 2021-2022 to US $ 28 billion in 2022-2023. Suggest.


Goods and freight rates are said to have risen to unprecedented levels and are facing severe restrictions on imports from abroad.

United Kingdom

Although the country has been experiencing inflation since 1982, it has risen to 6.8% by the end of 2021.

Thus, inflation in most Asian countries will increase faster in 2022 than in 2021. In addition, prices of goods are rising and shortages are occurring due to improper export and import of goods. This is why the whole world is facing a massive economic crisis.

If this is the case for the world's superpowers, then the situation for a small country like Sri Lanka is better. Because Govt provided relief to the people of the country without starving them during the epidemic and could go on listing government services such as free medicine, vaccinations, multiple jobs, pay rises, various developments. Let us know only the condition of our country and be content to compare our country with the international community without criticizing the government.