Opposition parties protest against vaccine with crocodile tears ....

It is a well-known fact that the deadly disease of corona first spread in China and then caused massive loss of life in many parts of the world, and everyone may have experienced the inconvenience of facing an unprecedented situation.

When the corona epidemic broke out in China, many experts warned that 'half the world's population would die from this deadly disease'. However, due to the skill of modern man, many advances have been made in the field of medicine and this is why the disease has been brought under control.

Months after the outbreak, the disease intensified in many parts of the world. Knowing this, many researchers began to look for a solution to the virus to prevent it from spreading. In support of this, the World Health Organization has made it a priority for developed countries to find solutions to the epidemic rather than other countries. Because developing countries do not have the machinery needed for research.

Vaccines were then developed to identify the solution to the virus as a vaccine. However vaccinating the entire population was a challenge if it was to protect all the peoples of the world. Thus for small countries like ours it was a difficult and lengthy process.

Ayurvedic and local medical practices were introduced in our country till vaccines became available. These are all attempts to save people's lives. However, there is no cure for the virus other than vaccination.

Knowing this, our government has made many efforts to get the vaccine for the people of the country.

However, President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, in consultation with the country's health sector, sought to obtain vaccinations for the country with the help of the World Health Organization and allies. As a result, our country received vaccines with the help of the World Health Organization. Currently in our country not only the first dose, but also the second dose and the third booster dose are being administered.

However, our country, which was at high risk of virus outbreak, has now become a rapidly controlling virus. And our country ranks fourth in the world in terms of vaccinations. All of this is due to better leadership and a better functioning healthcare sector.

But the sad fact is that despite the government's efforts to bring in enough vaccines, many people still refuse to be vaccinated. To date, over 18 million people have received the first dose, and about 13 million people have received the second dose, which is 70% of the total population. The number of people receiving the third booster dose has not yet exceeded 5 million. According to these data, 4 lakh people have not yet been vaccinated.

When there are enough vaccines in the country, what is the reason for these people refusing to get vaccinated? About the vaccine

Many refuse to give in to false myths and propaganda. Many people may have allergies. It is very common for people with serious illnesses to die. Refusing to vaccinate you is tantamount to treason.

All this aside, why are the opposition parties, which have been chanting 'Bring vaccines to save the people', now reluctant to call on the people to pay for the vaccines? How do you call? As the country's epidemic intensifies, people will take to the streets to protest when people are safe in their homes, and those who have made many attempts to exacerbate the disease will still be intimidated by the vaccine.

However, the government will never abandon the people of the country, we ask you to get the vaccines allotted to you without confusing the mind by listening to the myths.

The total number of vaccines currently being brought into the country by the Medical Corporation.

Astra Seneca 2,865,424

Moderna 1,500,000

Sputnik 195,000

Synoform 26,000,000

Pfizer 18,000,000

Therefore, there is a need to make vaccination compulsory in our country in the near future.