It took two years before King Duttagaimunu to unite this country. That is because he had a lot of elephants at that time.

During the reign of President Mahinda Rajapakse, 2007-2009, two years after the worst terrorist forces in the world were wiped out and the country returned to peace.

No one will ever forget those wonderful times when people lived peacefully in the most prosperous era that brought peace and national security and brought immense development to the country.

The then Secretary of Defense, the current President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, was a major force for President Mahinda Rajapaksa in that massive development. He was at the forefront of the evolution of many new ideas that emerged in the country at that time

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.

Every development activity carried out through every government agency under the Ministry of Defense was taken up in a new way. He made the Colombo environment we see today comparable to that of a foreign country. After the war, he stationed troops and soldiers in the camps, transforming the city of Colombo into a tourist-friendly environment at no cost to the country.

The remaining drainage system on the flood and stinking roads was repaired in a very elegant manner. Garbage piled up all over the city was sealed in a specific environment and used for rehabilitation.

Lake Beira, which has been in ruins for 50 or 60 years, has been cleaned up and created an environment that attracts foreigners. He made all areas usable, including sidewalks and parks.

He removed huts, box houses, and slums and built 70,000 important houses for the public. He set up a permanent place for those selling goods on the streets. He set up fish, manning markets, weekly markets in towns and villages

Reconstructed places of worship and old buildings. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has made massive sacrifices for the country.

If so, it is our duty today to support the development activities of the country that he is carrying out. How many more days are we going to keep blaming the government and put aside our grievances and become partners in the journey being taken by the government.